Dr. Mary Cowley, TFT-VT, discusses trauma and demonstrates the TFT trauma relief tapping Algorithm.

Thought Field Therapy® has been used to overcome all sorts of traumas around the world.

The new book Stop The Nightmares Of Trauma provides the latest and most up-to-date procedures and theory for TFT… you can get more information here.

What is Optimal Health—Really?

“According to the World Health Organization, health is defined as: “A state of optimal well-being, not merely the absence of disease and infirmity.” Wellness practitioners believe that optimal well-being requires a balance between wellness dimensions that comprise the whole person.”

Joanne CallahanWhen we began to consider offering TFT Voice Technology in and to groups, we needed to come up with a name for the new course. Roger wanted something that clearly stated the benefit of what attendees would be receiving—and Optimal Health was that benefit.

During his long years of discovering and developing TFT, Roger used the dictionary frequently as he strove to define and name what he was observing. I remember when he found the definition for “perturbation” and his excitement at how it fit the concept he was wanting to define. We shared that same excitement for Optimal Health as we developed that course. Read more

Jim McWhorter on Peak Performance Trading
(originally published March 31, 1991 – Club 3000 News)

performanceI would like to take time from trading to recommend a person who can show traders how to achieve peak performance in trading. I speak from personal experience that his techniques are easy to grasp and they work. His name is Roger J. Callahan, PhD. And he currently resides in Indian Wells, California.

In the mid 1980’s, Dr. Callahan authored the book “Five Minute Phobia Cure”. This book brought national attention to Dr. Callahan where he was able to demonstrate the effectiveness of his techniques by treating total strangers with severe anxieties and phobias on live syndicated talk shows. His most celebrated patient was Tom Snyder, who was cured of a severe fear of heights on his own talk show, the Tomorrow show. During this time, I was not aware of Dr. Callahan’s teachings and it would be 1990 before I would become interested in his work. Read more

TFT is a healing modality that seems to be limitless in its applications and potential. Our international team for training and trauma relief is leaving Uganda for home in the next day or so. Together with our Rwandan teams, they have helped war and genocide victims, prisoners and guards, teachers and school children, disabled and homeless, and the families and community leaders of many countries.

We have also shared wonderful cases of pets and animals that have benefited from tapping. Mary Kennedy is one who has shared some of these stories with us in the past. But her next story crosses boundaries of healing that we don’t often have the opportunity to experience. Read more