Discover how you can leave struggle behind and joyfully manifest your intentions and desires with ease – creating the life you desire.

Illuminate your path and purpose and take home practical tools to follow that path – achieve what you really want out of life.

We Can Make Better Choices for our Well-Being using specific tapping codes with TFT’s Objective Self-Testing and resonate with what we want to attract.

What if you could know ahead of time, that what you were about to eat or drink was going to trigger a migraine or an anxiety attack or another depressive episode? Do you think you would be able to make a better choice?

Do you vibrate or resonate with what you desire or what you do not desire?  What is it you are attracting?  You can purposefully change that.

What if that business meeting was turning out to be a disaster because the woman next to you had perfume that was so strong you couldn’t think? If you could quickly and easily neutralize it’s effect – would your business meeting be more productive?

Do you know that something is holding you back – you just aren’t reaching your potential? If you could identify that block and eliminate it, perhaps you could soar to new heights.

Can you let go of those worrisome thoughts and that continual train of repetitive negative self-talk?  What exciting things could your mind create if it had the space?

Join Me in Costa Rica… December 7th, 2018

Tapping into You: A Self-Healing Technique

Location:  The beautiful Pacific “Gold Coast” of Costa Rica in Mar Vista.
Hours:  9 am – 4 pm. Attendance is strictly limited so register early.

Only $150

My late husband, Dr. Roger Callahan, developed the first Tapping modality and I have co-developed it, TFT, for over 30 years.  I have been blessed with these tools and skills.

I experienced significant improvement in my quality of life when I was able to neutralize a necessary medication during treatment for Stage IV cancer. I was able to make better choices to facilitate my healing and eliminate blocks to that healing so I know how important these tools can be.

In every training I have given over the last 25 years, the attendees are amazed at the power of TFT for helping others.

I am always asked, yes, but how can I do this for myself?

While the amazing process of TFT’s objective self-testing is taught at our Optimal Health level, I have long wanted to be able to make it available to all the other levels of TFT. It is simply self-empowering to be able to help ourselves, both before and while we continue to help others.

All of us are faced with daily traumas, stress, anxiety and toxic exposure, often, beyond our control. If we have the tools to release, heal and neutralize these negative aspects of our lives, as they occur, we can improve the quality of our lives – and reach our goals.

I speak from a very personal understanding as I too have experienced many of the same things all of you face or have faced in your lives, sexual abuse as a child, loss of a parent, cancer, diabetes, financial loss, divorce, death of my spouse – the same things we all face as part of life. However, I am so grateful I have had the tools of TFT and self-testing to release the fears, heal the traumas and physical conditions, allowing me to grow and learn.

TFT Self-testing allows me to stay centered in peace with confidence and joy every day.

I know from witnessing our long-time TFT practitioners, that regular and consistent use of their TFT self-testing tools, has provided them with the same benefit – a loving, peaceful and joyful life.

What you will learn:

  • How to combine the Proven TFT Algorithms
  • How to choose the best tapping sequence for yourself
  • Identification of PR’s and blocks to healing and success
  • Aligning and resonating with our goals
  • Enhancing the positive – removing blocks to success and well-being

Benefits of these tools:

  • Self-Empowerment
  • Achieve our desires and reach our goals
  • Remain strong and confident
  • Feel joy
  • Be energized
  • Love life
  • Experience more calm and presence every day

One day only, in an intimate group of like-minded people, enjoy the opportunity to be all you can be, as we learn to remove blocks to well-being, facilitate our spiritual growth and raise our awareness and consciousness.

Tapping into You:
A Self-Healing Technique

December 7, 2018

Location:  The beautiful Pacific “Gold Coast” of Costa Rica in Mar Vista.
Hours:  9 am – 4 pm. Attendance is strictly limited so register early.

Only $150

© Copyright - Callahan Techniques TFT Thought Field Therapy®